Math Resources- Apps/ Websites

Here are some extra math resources / games for you to check out!

Free Math Apps:

  1. Khan Academy 
  2. Gummii
  3. imathematics
  4. Math Ninja
  5. 2048
  6. Elevate - brain training

Math Websites:
  1. Khan Academy -->
  2. Prodigy Math Game -->
  3. Bedtime Math -->
  4. Free Rice -->
    1. different subjects; for each question you answer correctly you donate rice to people in need
  5. IXL Math -->
  6. Math Playground -->
  7. Hooda Math -->
  8. Math CLIPS -->

1 comment:

  1. I think Khan Academy is really great- as I like how when you are stuck you can have a 'hint' or watch a video- just like having a personal tutor when you need them! I also like how as a coach on Khan I can see how my students have been doing- for example, how much time they spent on Khan, how many points they have, and the math skills they are doing well at/ or struggling with. It helps me be better teacher :)
