Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Chloe post
For Christmas my moms best friend got us a card and the card gives the little girl a couple of chicks. They will grow into chickens and then they can have eggs and sell the egg of chickens. Then they get money. The dress that she is wearing looks homemade.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Friday Treats!
Good Morning!
Ms. C (the other Mrs. Clause) has been busy baking in the kitchen! We would like to invite you on Friday to Ms. Collins' room for a holiday sendoff with some goodies :) Please join us at 11:15 with your lunches. See you then!
Ms. C (the other Mrs. Clause) has been busy baking in the kitchen! We would like to invite you on Friday to Ms. Collins' room for a holiday sendoff with some goodies :) Please join us at 11:15 with your lunches. See you then!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Hi everyone- I just wanted to say thanks for a FANTASTIC 'hour of code' today! 👾 For a group of teachers and students who had never done ANY coding before I think we all learned a lot in a short time. 😀 You can access the website we used at: 💻
Remember the apps we used are all free for your devices at home: 📱
Tynker, Lightbot, Scratch Jr, Kodable, Hopscotch, The Foos, Run Marco, and Daisy the Dinosaur.
It would be great if you could show your families what you learned today and share your knowledge with your classmates next week!
Mrs Mace 😀
Remember the apps we used are all free for your devices at home: 📱
Tynker, Lightbot, Scratch Jr, Kodable, Hopscotch, The Foos, Run Marco, and Daisy the Dinosaur.
It would be great if you could show your families what you learned today and share your knowledge with your classmates next week!
Mrs Mace 😀
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has tried out a new app or website for our December Tech Challenge yet?
Let us know in the comments below- or start a new thread about your chosen 'tech exploration' and give it a label.
I would like to try using something called thinglink, it helps you to make interactive posters with links embedded into the images...
See you all soon for our HOUR OF CODE fun :)
Mrs. Mace
I was wondering if anyone has tried out a new app or website for our December Tech Challenge yet?
Let us know in the comments below- or start a new thread about your chosen 'tech exploration' and give it a label.
I would like to try using something called thinglink, it helps you to make interactive posters with links embedded into the images...
See you all soon for our HOUR OF CODE fun :)
Mrs. Mace
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Hi guys! I was thinking and something popped up in my mind..... CHRISTMAS!! I am so excited for Christmas because I get to spend time with my family and friends and I get some time out of school!
*YESS*. The awesome part of it is that my cousin might come to Christmas! (Right now he is in Toronto and I haven't seen him in such a long time) I am soo excited.. (Comment down below on what you want for Christmas)
*YESS*. The awesome part of it is that my cousin might come to Christmas! (Right now he is in Toronto and I haven't seen him in such a long time) I am soo excited.. (Comment down below on what you want for Christmas)
Friday, December 5, 2014
December Challenge!
Great job on your all about me projects! You wowed us all! Our next challenge, for the month of December is to create something using an app you have not used before. Here is a Symbaloo board with some ideas for apps you might try. Don't feel at all limited by these choices. If the app you want to use is not available on your classroom iPads please see Mrs. Lalonde for assistance. Good luck all...can't wait to see what you do next!’’
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Chloe's All About Me Project
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
I finished the project. Here is a link to my video:
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Brain Teasers
Can you figure out SOME/ ALL of the following play on words?? These are usually known sayings! Email your answers to
Good luck :)
Ms. Collins
Can you figure out SOME/ ALL of the following play on words?? These are usually known sayings! Email your answers to
Good luck :)
Ms. Collins
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Hey! I've been there
Hi Claire! Guess what, I've been to universal too! It was amazing, but I went last year in the summer so they had not made diagon alley yet in Harry potter world. Hope your having fun!
Final Reminders!
1. Please remember to check the blog at least once per week and comment/ ask a question about someone's post. Also, check back on your own posts to see if people have commented!
2. Your "All About Me" projects should be completed by the end of the month, as this was our November focus. Next month we will have another focus :)
3. We will be having our last meeting TOMORROW, THURSDAY, morning at first recess to finalize projects/ talk about/ share ideas because Friday is a P.A. Day and next week is December!
4. If you have not yet completed the 2nd questionnaire, the one assigned as 'homework" and sent it to Mrs. Lalonde please do so ..
1. Please remember to check the blog at least once per week and comment/ ask a question about someone's post. Also, check back on your own posts to see if people have commented!
2. Your "All About Me" projects should be completed by the end of the month, as this was our November focus. Next month we will have another focus :)
- something creative that shows who you are and you can post it on the blog.
- i.e. explain everything, moviemaker /animoto video, make a collage/ model and take a picture, slideshow, prezi etc. If you can think it you can do it! As long as it is something that can be shared with the group on the blog :)
3. We will be having our last meeting TOMORROW, THURSDAY, morning at first recess to finalize projects/ talk about/ share ideas because Friday is a P.A. Day and next week is December!
4. If you have not yet completed the 2nd questionnaire, the one assigned as 'homework" and sent it to Mrs. Lalonde please do so ..
- 20 Questions --> please grab a screen shot of the results to send to either Mrs. Lalonde or myself, IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE THIS!!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Universal Studios (not a disney park) ;)
We went to Harry Potter world, Seuss land, the Simpsons and Citywalk (a huge group of resturants)
We walked at least 32,000 steps on our vacation. Talk about enough exersize to last till Easter!
These blogs are all on the same day because my parents belive in getting the most out of our vacation :)
- Two of the Harry Potter rides-Escape from Gringotts and the Tour and ride of Hogwarts were slow and holographic rides.
- Holographs are...... photographs that, when properly lighted, create a 3-D image
- At a wand booth I got Professor Slughorn's wand
- Hogsmede and Diagon alley looked almost exactly like in the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
We walked at least 32,000 steps on our vacation. Talk about enough exersize to last till Easter!
These blogs are all on the same day because my parents belive in getting the most out of our vacation :)
Magic Kingdom
Magic kingdom was so cold all because of a Polar Vortex!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
If you don't know what a polar vortex is..... it is mostly the coldest artic air settling in over the Northern hemisphere, usally in the U.S.A and sometimes in southern Canada. It can go int the subzeros (-0 and below). But, I am happy that it was about +6.
If you didn't know.......
If you don't know what a polar vortex is..... it is mostly the coldest artic air settling in over the Northern hemisphere, usally in the U.S.A and sometimes in southern Canada. It can go int the subzeros (-0 and below). But, I am happy that it was about +6.
If you didn't know.......
- Magic Kingdom in my opinion has the best hot chocolate in the whole world!!!!
- We saw a Monsters Inc. comedy show, it was hilarious! They also got people In the audience to participate. I didn't get to :(. But, it was still fun
Here are some interesting things I learned at Epcot:
Scientists are learning ways to help bio-diversity like......
Epcot is probably the most educational park.
Scientists are learning ways to help bio-diversity like......
- Seeing if some plants can grow in harsh climates like deserts
- Trying to grow plants with less or recycled water
- Growing plants vertically (more plants per greenhouse)
- Having plants on top of fish tanks because the plants use some of the fish's water to grow and in return the plants clean the fish's water
- Mexico, Norway, China
- Germany, Italy, U.S.A.
- Japan, Morocco, France
- United Kingdom and CANADA!!!!!!
- Canada is home to the worlds first IMAX screen?
- Hola=Hello in Spanish?
- Japan writes from left to right?
- Don't put all of your money in one investment or you could either gain or lose money
- To reach your goal set aside a little money from everything you do
Epcot is probably the most educational park.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
I love the snow! It is so beautiful like a white blanket being placed all over the world. Snow is also a fantabulous way to get in the Christmas spirit! It's so amazingly fun to play in the snow aswell, making snowmen, creating snow angels and having wicked awesome snowball fights!WooHoo! Clearly, snow is one of the many great perks of winter!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Riddles for the weekend!
Riddles can be great fun to solve- read these VERY carefully and think 'outside the box', visualize the riddle, ask friends or family for their ideas/ help. There is a link to the answers and to access more riddles on the Funology website- try the riddles yourself before you look for the answers!
Q: What has a foot but no legs?
Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Q: What comes down but never goes up?
Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?
Q: How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it?
Q: In a one-storey pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink!
What color were the stairs?
What color were the stairs?
Q: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Two ambulances came and took them to different hospitals. The man’s son was in the operating room and the doctor said, “I can’t operate on you. You’re my son.”
How is that possible?
How is that possible?
These riddles are from Funology and after you try solving them you can check your answers using this link: riddles answers
Can you find other riddles to share? Can you make up a riddle to try and trick us all?
Mrs. Mace
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Hi everyone,
It is my turn to monitor the blog this week but I was sick at the weekend/ yesterday and with the power outage today at school- I have only just got on here! I am glad to see people have been accessing the blog and posting- make sure you look at the blog at least ONCE A WEEK and that you post or add comments during the week too. It is important to respond and comment positively to other's posts, so that they get some feedback and we are all included.
As we discussed last Friday, we are asking that you all work on an 'All About Me' project over the next 2 weeks- this is our NOVEMBER focus. Your project can take any shape or form that you like as long as the final creation can be added to the blog in some way (as a video, slideshow, picture(s), or a link).
Here are some really creative ideas I have found that other students/ teachers have done- these may help inspire you!
Autobiographical Maps- your life in a map form- a 3D island (diorama model), a map of your 'country' (e.g: Maceland), a village created on Minecraft?
Biography Bottles- these were done about famous people- but you could do a model of any kind about yourself! (using recycled materials, modelling clay/ plasticine, or Lego!)
Self-portraits PLUS- these portraits include words, phrases, and information about the person and use mixed-media (when the artist combines paint, printing, drawing, pastel, ink...)
These are a few ideas and you all had many more last week- making a movie trailer about yourself, drawing a cartoon strip (Bistrips or other), making a news report, making a book (by hand or using Book Creator), using Explain Everything on the iPads to explain all about you!
If you need materials or equipment make a list for Friday when we will meet again as a group. If you are still stuck for ideas we can help you get started on Friday!
Mrs. Mace :)
It is my turn to monitor the blog this week but I was sick at the weekend/ yesterday and with the power outage today at school- I have only just got on here! I am glad to see people have been accessing the blog and posting- make sure you look at the blog at least ONCE A WEEK and that you post or add comments during the week too. It is important to respond and comment positively to other's posts, so that they get some feedback and we are all included.
As we discussed last Friday, we are asking that you all work on an 'All About Me' project over the next 2 weeks- this is our NOVEMBER focus. Your project can take any shape or form that you like as long as the final creation can be added to the blog in some way (as a video, slideshow, picture(s), or a link).
Here are some really creative ideas I have found that other students/ teachers have done- these may help inspire you!
Autobiographical Maps- your life in a map form- a 3D island (diorama model), a map of your 'country' (e.g: Maceland), a village created on Minecraft?
Biography Bottles- these were done about famous people- but you could do a model of any kind about yourself! (using recycled materials, modelling clay/ plasticine, or Lego!)
Self-portraits PLUS- these portraits include words, phrases, and information about the person and use mixed-media (when the artist combines paint, printing, drawing, pastel, ink...)
These are a few ideas and you all had many more last week- making a movie trailer about yourself, drawing a cartoon strip (Bistrips or other), making a news report, making a book (by hand or using Book Creator), using Explain Everything on the iPads to explain all about you!
If you need materials or equipment make a list for Friday when we will meet again as a group. If you are still stuck for ideas we can help you get started on Friday!
Mrs. Mace :)
Monday, November 17, 2014
Has anyone tried these kinds of riddles before. They can be very fun.
Animal Kingdom
I'm in Orlando, Florida relaxing in our condo from our exiting day yesterday! We went to animal kingdom at Disney!!! My favourite ride was the Expidition Everst roller coaster. In line we learned about climbing mount Everst and the animals that live there. From jungle in the lowland, to forest in the midland and mountain......which is on the mountain!!! We went backwards and forwards at top speed! There was even a loop-dee-loop going backwards in the dark! We also went on the Kali river rapids! They were awesome:) the first time I barely got wet and my mom got soaked but, the second time we both got soaked!!! There also was a lion king show we went to where I was part of it! They asked me and a couple of other people to shake some maraccas, it was lots of fun:)!!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
My favourite colour
My favourite colour is Neon orange because it's so bright and gives warmth.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Me and Evann have made a prezi to show how painful hunger is. If we can find out how to post it we will and you can see it.
Kittens and more about me!!!!!!!
Some things you may not know about (the amazing) moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well if you did know these things about me........ you must be a mind reader!
(If you didn't already notice I am a very happy person!!)
- I am super organized (but my desk tells another story.........)
- I am also pretty good on a computer or well, any electronic
- As you may already know I love to make silly jokes
- Something you definitely didn't know is that it is my goal to make one person laugh per day :) (I'm amazing, yes I just said it for you!!!!!)
- I love track and field
- I'm not always the best at spelling
- I'm a neat and fast writer
- I love group working and independent projects
- Finally, I LOVE ANIMALS :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well if you did know these things about me........ you must be a mind reader!
(If you didn't already notice I am a very happy person!!)
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Comet landing
Hi all, I got home just after 7 and spent an hour glued to the Discovery channel watching about how the Rosettta mission successfully landed a probe on a comet today! amazing stuff! The probe (called Philae) was launched 10 years ago by the European Space Agency (ESA)- before some of you were born- and recently joined the comet's orbit. Then today it actually landed on the comet and began sending data back to earth- so exciting :) It shows us how perseverance and teamwork (by scientists and engineers) led to success.
Ask your parents if you can find out more about the mission- I've added some links below,
Mrs. Mace.
European Space Agency
Ask your parents if you can find out more about the mission- I've added some links below,
Mrs. Mace.
European Space Agency
My dog
My dog:
My dogs name is Windsor. She is named after the city. Windsor Is where my mom and dad first met and Windsor means a lot to us. She is a black lab German Shepard. We call Windsor a bunch of different names including:
- Winnie
- Winzie
- Win
- Winnie the pooh....and many more
These are three things you may not know about me:
- I dance
- I love to do acrobatic stuff
- I'm incredibly talented
- I dance
- I love to do acrobatic stuff
- I'm incredibly talented
Bees and space
So, you've seen a lot of writing, so here's a picture
![]() |
Bee mine ( get it I'm a bee!) Here's the space la la la la la la la la la me!!!!! |
Brain Teasers
Those brain teasers are really hard ( gaggle ). My favourite was the one Jacob posted. It's kind of like texting (L8er). But, I can't belive I could read it! I must be a super hero or something? ( shrug ). Everyone who's anyone ( well we are all everyones ;) will check it out and maybe try it? Next time on my post maybe will take up space or will blow your mind!!!!! Blam! ( that was your mind ) ;)
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Brain Teaser
Mr. Ripely works at the butchers. He's 6'2 tall and is size 14 in shoes. What does he weigh? Blog me the answer and I will tell you if your wrong or right.
Please complete!
Here is the other questionnaire that we wanted you to do last week. We ran out of time. Please follow the link and answer the questions. Don't forget to screen shot your results and send them to me at
Monday, November 10, 2014
sour skittles.
I got sour skittles for halloween.Mom and I thought it was so sour.It burned mom and my mouth. Finlay and dad thought it was fine but I think they were hiding the sour.
Christmas joy
On the 19th of December my nanny and poppy from Newfoundland are coming to visit. I haven't seen them for one year. My uncle Jay is coming too. He lives in Windsor and I haven't seen him in one year as well. They are all staying until January 3rd. It will be so nice to spend Christmas with them!
Coolest present ever!
For Christmas I am getting my room renovated. My mom and dad are so nice!
The joke book
This brain teaser is pretty hard as it is, but I think they will become even harder (gasp)!!! Can't wait for this weekend it's my week long vacation😃. Also, on IXL (our online math homework) the explanations are long and confusing. It's like trying to say gihbdeiyywebcihjsmeh em!😊. The will be other terribly amusing jokes ( get it, there terrible and kind of funny). Just watch my profile and maybe you'll catch some other of my awesomedoghouseUpsy jokes (for some reason it was on autocorrect?). If you want to comment you can and maybe I'll reply. Mwahahahaha!
I like rainy days Chloe
I Like rainy days because you can watch a show or play on your I pad. But one of the best things to do is to listen to the rain. It sounds beautiful in quiet.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
I like cooking Chloe
Today I made rice crispys squares with my mom. We had the red green peach rice crispys. Do you like rice crispes?
Can you figure this out?
I love brain teasers. I like to figure out puzzles and riddles. This is a tough one. It took me awhile to see the mistake. If you figure it out email me Good luck! Mrs. Lalonde
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Christmas excitement Chloe
I'm excited for Christmas because my mom mite make me a blanket. She has already made me three quilts. Today me and my mom went shopping and went to Gap and she only got me a couple of things. Do you like Christmas?
Brock abrams
Hi I'm Brock I like math I'm 7 years old
I like purple
I have one dog named mason
I like purple
I have one dog named mason
more about me
I love shooting guns. I have shot my dad's 12 gauge marlin 55 original before and that thing can shoot allright I had a big bruce after shooting it. My favorite colour is green. I know hpw to drive a tractor and I've drove before. In the winter we snowmobile in the fields on my dad's 440 TNT snowmobile and we drive the honda 350 fourwheler
all spring and summer. See you later.
all spring and summer. See you later.
Friday, November 7, 2014
I have 6 sisters and 0 brothers. My favorite food is bacon and sushi. I love the colour purple and I love birthdays in May and I'm in grade 4 and I'm 9.
Do you know Jason Fretts
Hi I'm Jason this is the first time blogging. I live in Nappenee Ontario. I own a farm and milk 64 cows in a parlour. We own 127 cows including milk cows , dry cows and heifers. I bed cows,through down straw and feed cows every night. I have a brother named Jacob and a sister named Maddy. My mom and dad's names are Tood and Marcia. We've farmed on the land since 1804. We own over 406 acres of land. I like johndeere tractors and we on 6 John Deere tractors. That's what I'm going to tell you guys for now.
Introducing maddy
Hello I'm Maddy, and these are 5 things you didn't know about me!
1. I highland dance
2. I have a wonderful puppy schnauzer named ' pepper'
3. I play hockey
4. I absolutely love pancakes! Mmmmmmm!
5. I grow up I would like to be a firefighter,astronaut or a teacher
1. I highland dance
2. I have a wonderful puppy schnauzer named ' pepper'
3. I play hockey
4. I absolutely love pancakes! Mmmmmmm!
5. I grow up I would like to be a firefighter,astronaut or a teacher
All about me!
I'm Claire kennedy. I'm in grade 6 (which means EQAO😳).Some of the things I love to do are dance, have fun with my friends,play games with my family and read books. I have one sister named Sarah who has Down syndrome. Even though she's different she is one of the best sisters ever!!!!! My mom always wants us to go on walks but we would rather just flop on the couch!😄 My mom is a COO in the local health integration network. Also, my dad works for SODEXO but, he is employed at the residence in St.Lawrence College (confusing right 😉). Ohh, I hate vegetables and love desserts! 😀
I'm Charlotte Lalonde
I'm Charlotte Lalonde! I am 8 years old. I like when I can do hands-on activities when I am learning. I am in grade 3. My favourite colours are pink, purple, blue, gold and silver. I sometimes work with older kids because I am doing more difficult work than the other kids in my class. I love to play the piano. I have been playing since I was 3. Goodbye and Au revoir!
I'm Charlotte Lalonde! I am 8 years old. I like when I can do hands-on activities when I am learning. I am in grade 3. My favourite colours are pink, purple, blue, gold and silver. I sometimes work with older kids because I am doing more difficult work than the other kids in my class. I love to play the piano. I have been playing since I was 3. Goodbye and Au revoir!
All about Jacob
Hi, I am Jacob Boutilier. I am a 10 year old boy from the west side of Napanee. I am in grade 6 and have 2 brothers. Their names are Ethan and Brock. My mom is a teacher at the school and teaches the other grade 6 class. My dad is an engineer at Invista in kingston. I have 2 sports (hockey, baseball) And like school other than EQAO. I have 2 cats named Ally and Nelson.
All about Luke
I like to play baseball.My dad coaches me.We sometimes win the final.I like to play minecraf.I have the full version. I'm eight years old.Im in grade three.At recess I play hockey soccer and football.I have 1 sister
I like hockey and baseball. I like reading Junie b books. My favourite colour is pink and orange. I'm seven years old. I'm in grade 2.
Hi my name is Mia and I love to draw and dance. I'm in grade five and I'm nine years old. My birthday is December 1st. I love to have fun and I have a huge sense of humour.
All about Ethan boutilier
Hi I'm Ethan and my faves are baseball,green,bugs bunny and Harry Potter.
I'm in grade 3 I am 8 years old.
About me
I'm Tirana my favourite Colour is purple.
I love cats. My favourite food is sushi and bacon.
My BFF is Chloe B. I'm 9 and in grade 4. I love writing
I love cats. My favourite food is sushi and bacon.
My BFF is Chloe B. I'm 9 and in grade 4. I love writing
Learning Style Questionnaire
Welcome to our first meeting! We would like to learn a little bit more about you. Please follow the link.
You will need this code to access the survey: ALKGX
You will need this code to access the survey: ALKGX
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Welcome to our new blog. We have 10 students from grade 2-6 involved this year along with their teachers and their parents.
On this blog we are providing ideas for extensions, investigations and explorations. Our hope is that we can help you feel challenged, creative and successful.
We want to hear about how you are feeling, what you are proud of, what you would like help with...
Mrs. Mace, Mrs. Lalonde and Ms. Collins will meet with students once a month to see how things are going and introduce new challenges.
How do you feel about being part of this group? Let us know in the comments below.
On this blog we are providing ideas for extensions, investigations and explorations. Our hope is that we can help you feel challenged, creative and successful.
We want to hear about how you are feeling, what you are proud of, what you would like help with...
Mrs. Mace, Mrs. Lalonde and Ms. Collins will meet with students once a month to see how things are going and introduce new challenges.
How do you feel about being part of this group? Let us know in the comments below.
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