Saturday, November 8, 2014

Christmas excitement Chloe

I'm excited for Christmas because my mom mite make me a blanket. She has already made me three quilts. Today me and my mom went shopping and went to Gap and she only got me a couple of things. Do you like Christmas?


  1. Chloe, I love Christmas! Your mom is very creative to be able to make quilts. I like to felt, make jewelry and paint. What creative things do you do?

  2. I love Christmas too! I absolutely love waking up with my sister storming out to the living room. My dad always jokes that Santa doesn't come but the joke is getting really old.

  3. Christmas is my favourite holiday! This year I get two christmas's, one in Nova Scotia and one at home! Wooooohooooo!

  4. I really enjoy Christmas traditions and how every family is different. I like watching other people opening their presents and seeing their faces. My children used to get us up REALLY early to open presents but now they are teenagers they get up much later which is better!
    Mrs. Mace
