Thursday, November 13, 2014

Kittens and more about me!!!!!!!

Some things you may not know about (the amazing) moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I am super organized (but my desk tells another story.........)
  • I am also pretty good on a computer or well, any electronic
  • As you may already know I love to make silly jokes
  • Something you definitely didn't know is that it is my goal to make one person laugh per day :) (I'm amazing, yes I just said it for you!!!!!)
  • I love track and field
  • I'm not always the best  at spelling
  • I'm a neat and fast writer
  • I love group working and independent projects
  • Finally, I LOVE ANIMALS :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well if you did know these things about me........ you must be a mind reader!

(If you didn't already notice I am a very happy person!!)


  1. Well Claire- you always make me laugh (I think your laughter goal is a fantastic idea- a personal goal that also makes other people's days brighter)!! You have a great sense of humour :)
    I think we must be similar because I am quite organized- and yet my desk doesn't always look like I am!
    I am looking forward to seeing you train for track and field next year- what events do you think you will try?
    Mrs. Mace

    1. I usally try out for 100 metre, long jump or triple jump :)
